Almost retired…again

Seems I don’t do anything all the way. I retired…sort of…last year about this time. Just couldn’t seem to make that complete severance from the working world, though. I’m about to retire – again – in a few weeks, after I help train a new person in the office.

So, what have I been doing with this semi-retired state? Not a lot, it seems. I sure didn’t get into my blog very much!! I’ve probably read about a hundred books, a few of them actually good ones. Puzzle books have cringed in my presence. Spencer almost got into good physical shape, when he could guilt-trip me into taking him for walks. I kept the deck in working order and in place all last summer. Hey, somebody’s gotta be responsible for that task, so I volunteered to sit out there every single day and make sure it didn’t fall off into the creek or up and move next door when we weren’t looking.

I’ve also done a bit of sewing. Just a bit. We’re having a craft fair at the church this weekend, to raise money for our mission trip to Guatemala in June, so I’ve been burning the machine oil a lot. I started making what I affectionately refer to as “Poo Pals.” Those little bags that hang from the dog leash, that hold poo bags. Every self-respecting dog walker needs one of these!

Did I mention we’re going to Guatemala? Our church is taking a group to help a local church in Guatemala City. They provide breakfast to the children of their low-income area, and have classes of various types in the church, to give the kids a safe place off the streets and to help teach them life skills. We’ll also be helping put in floors and cook stoves in some of the outlying villages in the jungle, about four hours out of Guatemala City. I am really looking forward to this! I still need to get my work gloves (already wore out the pair I had) and some other stuff, and get another round of shots (ouch!!).

Here are a few of the things I’ve been working on – I’m hoping these sell on Saturday!!


8 thoughts on “Almost retired…again

    • Thanks so much! I did actually take pictures of one of the methods I tried out (I tried at least 3 or 4!!), with the thought of showing how I did it. I plan to make another poo pal (what I call these bags) using the square-ended method, and take pictures of that one too. Lord willing I’ll get a little tutorial put together before I leave for Guatemala.


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